Last updated on 26 mai 2020
Published on May 26, 2020 Updated on May 26, 2020
The minister of National Education and the minister for Culture have signed a draft-agreement on April 29th 1983 in order to expand the partnership between the public service of education and the cultural sector. The practical application of this agreement led to the creation of nine training centers for musicians in schools.

The Training Center for Musicians in Schools of Lyon (CFMI de Lyon) operates within the university Lumière Lyon 2 and its main purpose is to provide certified musicians with a specific training course, combining musical, teaching and general skills, preparing them to work in nursery schools and elementary schools, in collaboration with the teachers.

The training course is recognized by a diploma, the DUMI (Diplome Universitaire de Musicien Intervenant). Such diploma directly prepares the intervention in the school environment in art disciplines and as such, the vocation of DUMI graduates is to offer their collaboration to artistic teachings and activities.

The purpose of the CFMI is also to develop offers in ongoing professionnal training, with or without the acquisition of a diploma, and to set up proceedings of validation of acquiered professionnal experience.

It is also serves as a center of resource and development for artistic and cultural education : it activates a network of all the participants involved in the profession, fosters the expansion of the artistic fields, sets up partnerships, produces tools of reflexion to support the practice of the profession. It is a partner of the development of courses in artistic and cultural education for the students.

It develops measures in order to improve the professional insertion of graduates, as well as their working conditions and their professional career.

It can also intervene in the social and medical fields in order to provide a greater democratization of artistic practices.